
Shakumbhari Complex, Bhelupur

All Days | 5pm-7pm | Appointment Required

Vardaan Hospital, Sundarpur

All Days | 10am-02pm | Appointment Required

+91 9336922349

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+91 9336922349

Expert Care for Your Throat Problems

Top ENT Specialist in Varanasi | Dr Sanjay Teza

Don't Let Untreated Throat Problems Lead to Serious Health Consequences

Neglecting throat problems can significantly affect daily life and well-being. Chronic issues can lead to persistent sore throats, difficulty swallowing, and voice changes. If untreated, they may escalate to severe infections, breathing difficulties, and in rare cases, contribute to conditions like sleep apnea or throat cancer.

Throat Treatment

Best Throat Doctor in Varanasi | Dr Sanjay Teza

Speech Therapy

Personalized therapy to enhance speech, language, and swallowing abilities.


Surgical removal of tonsils to alleviate recurrent infections and breathing difficulties.

Throat Endoscopy

It allows for a detailed examination, aiding in accurate diagnosis of throat issues.

Mouth Ulcers

Diagnosis and management of oral ulcers for swift relief and improved oral health.

Adenoid Surgery with Tube

Surgical procedures to address adenoid-related issues and ear tube placement.

Head and Neck Surgeries

This Procedure is for tumors, deformities, and functional problems and many more

Vocal Cord

Precise surgical interventions to address vocal cord disorders and restore voice function.

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Happy Patients

Frequently Asked Questions about Throat Conditions

If you experience Persistent throat pain, difficulty swallowing, chronic hoarseness, or any concerning changes in your voice or throat function warrant a visit to an ENT specialist for a comprehensive evaluation.

Yes, depending on the condition, ENT specialists may recommend non-surgical treatments such as medication, voice therapy, lifestyle changes, or interventions like endoscopic procedures before considering surgery.

Recovery times vary depending on the procedure. Minimally invasive procedures may involve shorter recovery periods, while major surgeries might require weeks for a complete recovery. Your ENT specialist will provide specific post-operative instructions.

Maintaining good oral hygiene, staying hydrated, avoiding irritants like smoking or excessive alcohol, and seeking timely treatment for infections can help prevent many common throat issues.

It’s advisable to have regular check-ups if you have a history of throat issues, voice strain, or if you are at risk for conditions like throat cancer. Your ENT specialist can recommend an appropriate frequency based on your individual health needs.

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